Rasho Rx Precision LLC

Pharmacogenomics (PGx) Testing at Home

Schedule Your PGx Test at Home with RashoRx Precision LLC

A pharmacogenomics test is recommended for patients who have been prescribed drugs that can potentially lead to adverse side effects. The test uncovers the genetic insights of a patient so that medical professionals can understand how a drug would react to the person. Apart from reducing the adverse drug side effects, the pharmacogenomics test can also enhance the efficiency of the drugs by helping doctors recognize the right dosage for their patients.
RashoRx Precision LLC is a leading pharmacogenomics testing service in Washington, featuring certified labs where these tests have been conducted. People prescribed to undergo the test can approach our labs. At the same time, you can order the PGx testing kits at your home to have the test conducted without visiting the labs.

How Do You Obtain a PGx Test at Home?

Pharmacogenomic (PGX) testing helps determine how your genes affect your response to medications. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get a PGX test at home.

Step 1
Schedule a Test at RashoRx

RashoRx Precision LLC features certified labs where you can undergo the pharmacogenomics test conveniently. Following the next steps to get the test done.

Step 2
Order the Test Kit

Visit the provider's website and place an order for the PGX test kit. You may need to provide some personal and medical information.

Step 3
Receive the Test Kit

The test kit will be mailed to your home. It typically includes instructions, a sample collection tool (like a cheek swab or saliva tube), and a prepaid return envelope.

Step 4
Collect Your Sample

Follow the instructions provided with the test kit to collect your DNA sample. This usually involves swabbing the inside of your cheek or spitting into a tube.

Step 5
Return the Sample

Place your sample in the provided packaging. Use the prepaid envelope to mail your sample back to the lab.

Step 6
Wait for Results

The processing time can vary, typically a few days. At RashoRx Precision, we ensure a quick turnaround time for your PGx test results.

Step 7
Receive and Review Results

Once your results are ready, you will receive a detailed report. This report will include information on how your genes may affect your response to various medications.

Step 8
Share Results with Your Healthcare Provider

Discuss your PGX test results with your healthcare provider. They can use this information to make more informed decisions about their medications and dosages.

A Few Crucial Tips to Follow

Check Insurance Coverage

Some insurance plans may cover PGX testing if it is deemed medically necessary.

Privacy and Data Security

Ensure the provider follows strict privacy and data security measures to protect your genetic information.

Consult Healthcare Providers

Before ordering a test, it might be helpful to consult with your healthcare provider to see if a PGX test is appropriate for your situation.

By following these steps, you can effectively get a PGX test done at home and gain valuable insights into your medication responses.

Contact RashoRx Precision Now

Get in touch with RashoRx Precision LLC for more guidance on conducting pharmacogenomics at home. We operate in Washington, DC.