Rasho Rx Precision LLC

Pharmacogenomics (PGx) Testing

PGx Testing in Washington for Precision Healthcare

A PGx test, also known as a pharmacogenomics test, is the procedure of analyzing genetic profiles to assess the patients’ response to a specific medicinal drug. PGx testing has gained popularity nowadays since it helps tailor medicines for patients to minimize the risk of side effects. Besides reducing the side effects, the test also helps increase the medicine’s efficiency.
RashoRx Precision LLC offers comprehensive PGx testing solutions for both patients and healthcare clinics or establishments. We have certified labs to conduct the tests and render detailed reports to our clientele. With RashoRx Precision, you can also schedule your pharmacogenomics testing at home. We supply PGx testing kits to our clients and later collect the samples from them.

What Is PGx Testing?

Pharmacogenomics (PGx) testing intends to read a person’s genetic profile to understand how the person would respond to a medicine. With the emerging concept of precision medicine or personalized healthcare, PGx testing has gained immense popularity nowadays.
Precision healthcare offers personalized healthcare support to patients, curbing the risk of medicinal side effects efficiently. Moreover, precision medicine encourages prescribing medicines at the right dosage. The dosage varies from person to person, depending on age, immunity, genetic profile, and more. Therefore, pharmacogenomics test makes decision-making easier for physicians.

Things That PGx Testing Tells You

A PGx test report can open up many possibilities in the field of healthcare solutions. Both healthcare service providers and service seekers will benefit from the PGx testing.

Reduce Treatment Cost

Wrong treatment leads to hefty medical bills. Moreover, severe or adverse medicinal side effects cause other health issues, which further require medical attention. All these things attract high expenses.

Reduce Medicine Side Effects

The PGx testing has been primarily done to study the impact of drugs on a patient. PGx test insights empower doctors to prescribe the right drugs to patients to avoid adverse side effects.

Optimize Efficacy

Healthcare services and physicians can optimize the medicine's efficiency to a large extent by studying the PGx test insights. Besides curbing side effects, prescribing the right medicines helps patients heal quicker.

Hassle-Free Insurance Claim

Undergoing the pharmacogenomics test is important for a hassle-free insurance claim. Since the test aids in precision medication, the insurance companies encourage the customers to undergo it.

How Has a PGx Test Been Conducted?

Pharmacogenomics testing has been conducted in multiple ways. Find the methods of conducting this test in the following section.

Blood Test

The lab technicians use blood samples which have been taken from the veins of patients. This is a convenient method of sample collection at the laboratories.

Saliva Test

Various labs also conduct the saliva test to collect samples from the patients. The patients are asked to spit into a small tube to collect saliva samples.

Cheek Swab

Another possible way of collecting samples is using a cheek swab. The lab professional will rub your cheeks before collecting the samples.

While heading to the nearest PGx testing lab is an obvious way of giving samples for the test, there is a home-based sample collection method. You can order the kits to your home and collect your sample yourself. You can ask a family member or friend to assist you, though it can also be done without requiring others’ assistance. Contact RashoRx Precision to learn more about pharmacogenomics testing at home.

How Accurate Are the Results?

The PGx testing has been recognized as a powerful tool for personalized medication. Since the test insights enable physicians to prescribe medicines based on an individual’s genetic makeup, it has become popular among both patients and healthcare providers. When conducted in a certified lab, the result of this test has been considered highly accurate.
One should understand that technology is still in its evolving stage. Therefore, there could be some events when the PGx test may need to be repeated to obtain a more accurate result. Sometimes, sample collection and preservation lead to errors in test results. Despite some of these drawbacks, the pharmacogenomics test fetches high-end accuracy.

Contact Us to Schedule Your Test Now

Need a detailed PGx test report? Both patients and healthcare providers can contact us for a detailed test result. We have certified labs in Washington, assuring pharmacogenomics insights with high accuracy.